Back Jolie, the service-oriented programming language

Jolie, the service-oriented programming language

Jolie offers many ways for building complex software from simple services. Even the deploymentarchitecture of a system can be programmed with native primitives, generalising common practices.Whatever you build, is again a service that you can expose; so, it can be reused to build again! Hereare some examples of composition:

Orchestration: an orchestrator is a service that offers functionalities obtained bycoordinating other services with a workflow.

Aggregation: a generalisation of proxies and load balancers, which you can use to compose andexpose the APIs of separate services

Redirection: a generalisation of virtual servers, which hides the actuallocations of services to clients by assigning logical names to services.

Embedding: a generalisation of application servers, which runs other servicesas inner components. It enables fast local communications and can even run code written indifferent languages than Jolie, such as Java and Javascript (with more coming)!

source: https://www.jolie-lang.org/index.html