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How do Transformers Work?

👋 Hi, this is Venkat and here with a free, full issue of the The ZenMode Engineer Newsletter. In every issue, I cover one topic explained in a simpler terms in areas related to computer technologies and beyond.

Transformers have become synonymous with cutting-edge AI, particularly in the realm of natural language processing (NLP).

But what exactly makes them tick? How do these models navigate the intricacies of language with such remarkable efficiency and accuracy?

Buckle up, because we're about to learn the heart of the transformer architecture.

But.. Before we deep dive into it lets understand where its been used.. if you have used google translate/ ChatGPT both rely on these.

Google Translate: This widely used platform relies heavily on transformers to achieve fast and accurate translations across over 100 languages. It considers the entire sentence context, not just individual words, leading to more natural-sounding translations.

Netflix Recommendation System: Ever wondered how Netflix suggests shows and movies you might enjoy? Transformers analyze your viewing history and other users' data to identify patterns and connections, ultimately recommending content tailored to your preferences.

The Big Picture: Encoder and Decoder Dance

Imagine a factory, but instead of assembling physical objects, it processes language. This factory has two main departments:

  1. The Encoder: This is the information extractor, meticulously dissecting the input text, understanding its individual elements, and uncovering the hidden connections between them.

  2. The Decoder: Armed with the encoder's insights, the decoder crafts the desired output, be it a translated sentence, a concise summary, or even a brand new poem.

Encoder: Decoding the Input Labyrinth

The encoder's journey begins with Input Embedding, where each word is transformed from its textual form into a numerical representation (vector). Think of it as assigning each word a unique identifier.

Consider this example.

  1. Input Text: The process begins with the raw text sentence, such as "The cat sat on the mat."

  2. Input Embedding Layer:

  3. Vector Representation:

But the encoder doesn't stop there. It employs the following key mechanisms to delve deeper:

image source: pillow lab blog

Decoder: Weaving the Output Tapestry

Now, the decoder takes the baton. But unlike the encoder, it has an additional challenge: generating the output word by word without peeking at the future. To achieve this, it utilizes:

Beyond the Basics:

Remember, this is just a glimpse into the fascinating world of transformers. The specific architecture can vary depending on the task and dataset, with different numbers of layers and configurations.

Additionally, each layer involves complex mathematical operations that go beyond the scope of this explanation.

But hopefully, this has equipped you with a fundamental understanding of how transformers work and why they have revolutionized the field of NLP.

So, the next time you encounter a seamless machine translation or marvel at the creativity of an AI-powered text generator, remember the intricate dance of the encoder and decoder within the transformer, weaving magic with the power of attention and parallel processing.

Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.03762

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source: https://nintyzeros.substack.com/p/how-do-transformer-workdesign-a-multi